Dr Jerry Savelle
Heritage Education Chancellor

A word from Dr Savelle
Dear Friend,
Carolyn and I are thrilled to be part of what God is doing in South Africa through Heritage of Faith Bible Institute in association with local churches. We count it an honor to be involved in raising up students who will live and preach the uncompromised Word of God in South Africa, and even to the nations.
Our desire is to see each student develop a passion for God and a passion for life.
This Bible Institute is the fulfillment of a dream, and I am extremely excited about the potential we now have to train up students in an atmosphere charged with faith!
If you are looking for a unique opportunity to increase your knowledge of the scriptures and find your place in God’s plan, then I trust you will prayerfully consider our school. Sincerely, Dr. Jerry and Carolyn SavelleDr. Jerry & Carolyn Savelle